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5723 Avenue du Parc
Montréal, QC, H2V 4H2





The Rialto Theatre’s ornate architectural details and rich history make for a unique and stunning event venue for any occasion

The main floor can accommodate up to 250 people in a banquet format, 300 people in a cabaret format, 400 people in a conventional theatre format and 700 people standing (general admission). In addition, the balcony has 429 fixed seats and two loges on either side of the stage that can each accommodate up to 12 people. The maximum total capacity of the main hall is 1,165 people (general admission)

The main hall is equipped with state of the art lighting, sound & projection systems, features that greatly enhance the theatre’s atmosphere and help make events at the Rialto Theatre that much more spectacular

The Rialto’s standard set up is cabaret seating. Additional charges may apply if changes are made to the standard seating arrangement

Monday to Wednesday: 8,000$ plus taxes
Thursday: 10,000$ plus taxes
Friday to Sunday: 12,000$ plus taxes

Preferred rates are available for select charitable & cultural events


Located on the second floor of the Rialto Theatre, the Rialto Hall is a beautiful naturally-lite space with high ceilings and large windows facing Montreal’s iconic Park avenue. The hall has a separate entrance and can be rented as a unique venue or in combination with other halls

The Rialto Hall can accommodate up to 150 guests in a banquet format and 200 guests in a cocktail dinatoire or theatre format. It is equipped with lighting, sound & projection systems.

The Rialto’s standard set up is cabaret seating. Additional charges may apply if changes are made to the standard seating arrangement.

Monday to Wednesday: 4,000$ plus taxes
Thursday: 5,000$ plus taxes
Friday to Sunday: 6,000$ plus taxes

Preferred rates available for charitable & cultural events


Located on the ground floor, the Cabaret offers a bright open space facing Park avenue. The outside terraces are accessible and allow for additional space. The hall has a separate entrance and can be rented as a unique venue or in combination with other halls

Monday to Wednesday: 4,000$ plus taxes
Thursday: 5,000$ plus taxes
Friday to Sunday: 6,000$ plus taxes

Preferred rates available for charitable & cultural events


 Located in the basement of the Rialto Theatre, the Piccolo can accommodate up to 400 people standing (general admission). The Piccolo includes a vestibule & bar area, lighting, sound & projection systems and a stage. It has a separate entrance and can be rented as a unique venue or in combination with other halls

The Piccolo’s standard set up is cabaret seating. Additional charges may apply if changes are made to the standard seating arrangement.

Monday to Wednesday: 4,000$ plus taxes
Thursday: 5,000$ plus taxes
Friday to Sunday: 6,000$ plus taxes

Preferred rates available for charitable & cultural events


Located on the third floor of the Rialto Theatre and formerly the home of world reknowed dance troop Lalala Human Steps, the Studio is equipped with professional sprung floors

The Studio has a separate entrance and can be rented as a unique venue or in combination with our other halls

Monday to Wednesday: 4,000$ plus taxes
Thursday: 5,000$ plus taxes
Friday to Sunday: 6,000$ plus taxes

Preferred rates available for charitable & cultural events


The Rooftop offers incomparable views of Montreal’s Mile-End neighbourhood and Mount Royal. The Rialto's Rooftop is available for film and photoshoots

Monday to Wednesday: 500$ plus taxes/hour, minimum 3 hours
Thursday: 650$ plus taxes/hour, minimum 3 hours
Friday to Sunday: 800$ plus taxes/hour, minimum 3 hours

Preferred rates available for charitable & cultural events


Our state of the art lighting, sound & projection systems are included within the rental rate of the venue, making it easier than ever for bands, DJs & performers to plug into our systems and play

The Rialto Theatre has a qualified and experienced team of technicians to operate its AV systems throughout events

Click on the link below for a detailed list of our in-house AV equipment